In Space you will learn about the Earth, the Moon, Mars, the solar system and space travel. How long is a day on Mars? How does a space toilet work? And how can space research and the space industry contribute to a better world?

This exhibition features almost 40 different stations to explore and a digital planetarium for dizzying journeys all the way to the edge of the universe. If the universe has an end, that is!

Några äldre barn leker inne i utställningen Rymdresan.

Working in space

An astronaut needs to be able to perform complex tasks without gravity. Give it a try yourself!


Travel to other galaxies

Head out into space. In the Planetarium there are (almost) no limits to how far we can travel.

Tre äldre barn hoppar Månhoppet inne i utställningen Rymdresan.

Explore the moon

In 1969, Apollo 11’s lunar module landed in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon. Where will you land?

Inne i ljustunneln i utställningen Rymdresan står en kille och häpnar.


You’ve probably seen astronauts floating around in zero gravity aboard space stations. If you want to experience that feeling on Earth, you can jump on a trampoline, for example. Then you are weightless, if only for a few seconds.

Upplevelser I Rymdresan.

Två tjejer står och tittar rakt in i kameran inne i Rymdresan.

The Space Corridor

Take a walk through the corridor and learn more about long space journeys in the infinite universe.

Aktiviteter I Rymdresan.



  • Price: You always get a better price here on

Admission to Universeum – always best price online!. All exhibitions, activities, shows, and guided tours are included. Shows in Wisdome require a separate ticket. For a discounted price, book a package with admission and Wisdome.

(NY) Wisdome - STORT

(NY) Wisdome - STORT

  • Price group: Family (child 0–6 year)
  • Time: 45 min

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

(SKOLA) Entré & Självledd - (Regnskogsupptäckarna) ÅK 4 - 6

(SKOLA) Entré & Självledd - (Regnskogsupptäckarna) ÅK 4 - 6

  • Price group: Class F-3

Dyk ned under ytan och möt havets invånare. Kika på torskar, plattfiskar och sjöstjärnor i Västerhavet och upplev tropiska akvarier med hajar och rockor. Vi jämför de olika arterna och studerar likheter och skillnader. Vi undersöker även vem som äter vem och bygger en enkel näringskedja tillsammans.