Adventurous autumn holidays From october 1 to november 2.
Five weeks of spooky fun with our science centre filled with gruesome slime, exciting shows and thirsty bloodsuckers.

FriGTHful fun.
Costumes and disguises. Experience Universeum in a brand new way all decked out for Halloween!
Get up close to snakes, taste insects or come face-to-face with vampires. We have a number of new features for Halloween 2024. Here is a selection of everything you can see and do.

Late-night opening.
From 28 October to 4 November, we will be open until 20:00 every day. Come at whatever time suits you! And from 17:30, evening admission is available at a reduced price.
Hållbara och njutbara matupplevelser.
Hungrig eller fikasugen i sommarvärmen? Runt om i huset hittar du både restaurang och kaféer.
Shower och aktiviteter Under Halloween.
Här kan du se vad som händer den dagen du är i huset.