Barn som springer längst med oceantanken

Make the school visit possible – Apply for support from Region Västra Götaland.

It is possible to apply for support from Region Västra Götaland for your trip and your visit. It is the municipal coordinator who decides whether support can be paid. There are two different types of support that can be applied for: travel support and subsidy of entrance fees/guide fees.

Read more about the organiser support

En röd Ibis från går inne i Regnskogen

Thank you for your consideration.

In environments with animals, it is important to be calm, low-key and respect the boundaries of the animals. Remember never to pet or feed the animals, as you as a teacher are responsible for your group or class throughout the visit.

What's new at Universeum.

Det forsar vatten ner för ett vattenfall ute i utställningen Vildmarken.

The Wilderness

Discover the animals and nature of the temperate zone.

En förälder med barn sitter och pusslar med olika former inne i utställningen Mathrix.


Discover the usefulness of mathematics in your everyday life.

Tre vuxna står och utforskar den stora jordgloben som står inne i utställningen Vislab.


Research data meets visualisation technology to enable you to better understand the world.

Ett litet barn undersöker tillsammans en monter inne i Miniverseum. En utställning för Universeums yngsta besökare.


A best friend for all children and their grown-ups.



Join us on a journey of discovery inside your body.

Universeums stora kapokträd

Contact us.

We are happy to help you before your school visit, and we have telephone hours from 8 am to 9.30 am every day. We are always reached by email and respond within 24 hours.

031-335 64 00
[email protected]